
The team at Better Sales Comp Consultants has a unique and specialized focus designing optimal sales incentive programs. We’ve dedicated our careers to this important discipline and have helped hundreds of clients large and small to revitalize cost-effective sales compensation plans. Sales compensation spend is often one of your largest human capital line items, and your sales results depend on having the right sales compensation plan.

Better Sales Comp Consultants are really better sales effectiveness consultants as well. A sales compensation program doesn’t live in a vacuum. Our work begins with a thorough understanding of your sales strategies, customer coverage model, product strategies, and opportunities for growth. We also need to consider all the essential areas that support a well design incentive plan, including quota setting, rewards and recognition, plan communication, and so much more.

And much like your evolving sales strategies, sales compensation plans typically evolve as well. They require ongoing review and maintenance within the plan year and certainly when entering a new fiscal year. A plan’s life cycle is often cited at one to three years, and we often work with clients in an ongoing basis to build off prior successes and to ensure your plans are optimized for whatever comes your way!

How We Can Help

Who We Help

Want to Learn How Sales Compensation Can Drive Your Business?

Sales Compensation Project Categories

"Safely Lanes" Focus

Oversight Engagement
  • Quick interviews and document review
  • One or two phone sessions and then email guidance
  • BSC serves as sounding board – provide “safety lanes” input to refine internal ideas or plans
Client Situation:
  • Small number of plans, roles, and incumbents
  • Plans already developed but refinements and comparison to best practices needed
  • Client has strong plan ownership and fewer stakeholders needing a say
Typical Fees:
Please contact BSC for your fee estimate

Workshop Project

Moderate Engagement
  • 4 to 8 interviews, document review, data review
  • Onsite half-day workshop to review best practices and potential application for client consideration
  • Usually includes a second follow-up conversation to offer further guidance
Client Situation:
  • Small to medium sized sales team
  • Client team wants to be empowered with a deeper understanding of sales comp best practices – pay mix, upside, measures, mechanics, etc.
  • Client has a few specific plan issues to solve
Typical Fees:
Please contact BSC for your fee estimate

Role-Based Sales Incentive Plan (SIP) Designs

Full Service Engagement
  • Includes more input (10 to 30 interviews), document review, data analysis
  • Includes three or four Design Team meetings
  • Creates the best SIP designs based on unique role needs and impacts
  • May involve 2 or 3 BSC Consultants as well as plan communication support
Client Situation:
  • For medium to large sales teams with many unique sales roles and greater complexity
  • Need for an inclusive process with strong sales, finance, and HR participation
  • Anticipate making significant changes with meaningful compensation concerns needing address
Typical Fees:
Please contact BSC for your fee estimate