Top Ten Lessons on Plan Communication

As you’re getting ready to roll out next year’s sales compensation plans, here’s a quick “Top 10” list of things to focus on. Remember, plan communication can make or break your new sales incentive plan!

  1. Think like your salespeople and focus on what matters to them.
  2. Be clear and show examples.
  3. Don’t forget about the “why” – explain the rationale for changes.
  4. Describe the “how” – describe your design process to build confidence in the new plans.
  5. Repeat the message; use a cascading approach.
  6. Don’t reveal the new plan to reps until the start of the fiscal year.
  7. Provide an escalation path for understanding.
  8. Hold sales managers accountable for a successful rollout.
  9. Leave enough time between final design and the rollout phase.
  10. Study your performance and seek improvement.

This top 10 list is just a start! Please reach out to a BSC team member for a more in depth white paper on sales compensation plan communication best practices. It’s the final critical piece to a successful plan design effort.